Bill FitzGerald specializes in rhetoric and writing studies with particular interests in the rhetoric of religion and composition pedagogy, including the teaching of research skills and prose style. At Rutgers, Bill teaches a wide range of undergraduat and graduate courses in rhetoric, composition, media studies, and literacy studies, including visual rhetoric, sound rhetoric, rhetorical theory, discourse and genre, and research methods.
Since 2015, Bill has directed the English Department’s First Year Writing Program as well as, since 2012, the Teaching Matters and Assessment Center for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Bill is the author of Spiritual Modalities: Prayer as Rhetoric and Performance (Penn State Press, 2012) and co-author/co-editor of three books in the University of Chicago Press: The Craft of Research, 4e (2016), A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9e (2018), and the Student’s Guide to Writing College Papers, 5e (2019). He is currently completing a new book, Becoming the Serenity Prayer: A Textual Biography that tells the story of America’s signature spiritual text.